Camel Milk; A Nutritious Superfood for Health Complications
Camel milk, health, superfood, cardiovascular, diabetesAbstract
The camel is an essential food resource for arid and semi-arid environments in food security conditions. Camel milk is a unique source of nutrients with therapeutic properties. The amount of vitamins C, B3, Mn, iron, Cu, and Zn in camel milk is higher than cow milk. It is a suitable substitute for human milk for kids allergic to cow milk due to the lack of β-lactoglobulin. Also, camel milk has a high amount of unsaturated fatty acids for heart health. Probiotic bacteria of camel milk may de-conjugate bile salts, prevent reabsorption and reduce cholesterol absorption from the intestine. Camel milk contains insulin like proteins, which does not form coagulum in the acidic condition of stomach, can be absorbed from the intestine and may be treat diabetes. The smaller size of immunoglobulins of camel milk enhances the immune system and anti-inflammatory responses. Camel milk lactoferrin is antiviral and antibacterial agent against infections and lactic acid bacteria are effective on gut health. Camel milk has beneficial effects in the stomach disorders, cancer, food allergy, autism and viral Hepatitis. Therefore, camel milk is not only food but also a fantastic superfood for many health complications.
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