Current Issue

Vol. 78 No. 2 (2025): milk science international_2025_2

Adhesion of Staphylococcus aureus to the liner in relation to subsequent machine milkings in a lab test

Muriel Schulze, Franziska Nankemann, Stefanie Leimbach, Yanchao Zhang, Doris Klocke, Volker Krömker*

*Hannover University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Faculty II, Microbiology, 30453 Hannover, Germany; muriel.schulze@tiho- (M.S)

*Corresponding author: Volker Krömker; Phone: +4951192962205; E-Mail: (V.K)

Published: 2025-03-31


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Milk Science International - Milchwissenschaft is a scientific, open access journal with a double-blinded review process. Scientists of all disciplines associated with milk and dairy production are invited to submit papers to the peer-reviewed journal Milchwissenschaft – Milk Science International.

The main topics of the journal are following:

Dairy processing and technology

Milk and dairy products in human nutrition

Milk marketing and economics

Milk production

Dairy chemistry and physics

Dairy microbiology