Cell differentiation assisting in evaluating mastitis treatment prognosis
antibiotics, bacteriological cure, ifferential cell count, flow cytometryAbstract
Bovine mastitis is commonly treated with antibiotics, which does not
always succeed and therefore, sometimes is unnecessary. Bacteriological
cure is the goal of antibiotic therapy and depends on the causing
microorganism, the applied therapy, and on animal-related factors.
Determining the animal-related part of the probability of bacteriological
cure before applying antibiotics might help to reduce unnecessary
usage. By now, this is only possible by considering individual cow
data including animal-related factors such as age, mastitis history and
somatic cell count. Former studies revealed that chronic mastitis lowers
the probability of cure and leads to specific characteristics found
in the differential cell count. The aim of this study was to develop a
flow cytometric cell differentiation tool to determine animal-related
factors correlating with a score-based probability of bacteriological
cure. Therefore, the proportions of different cell types and their vitality
in 874 Dairy Herd Improvement milk samples of 239 cows were
determined by flow cytometry. The results were tested for a correlation
between data of flow cytometry and the calculated animal-related
probability of bacteriological cure of each individual cow by binomial
logistic regression analysis. A statistically significant association to the
calculated and animal-related probability of bacteriological cure could
be shown for highly granulated cells, non-vital cells and macrophages.
With this model, 84.4 % of all animals could be allocated to their
estimated animal-related probability of bacteriological cure correctly.
These findings suggest that flow cytometric cell differentiation might
become an innovative tool to estimate animal-related prognosis for
bacteriological cure.
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